Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Karate Kid Kind of Life

The thought struck me as I was at work cleaning yesterday (wax on, wax off!), that life is much like 'The Karate Kid'. Now, for those of you in the younger generation who have not had the pleasure of being introduced to this film, I am sorry (for you). ;-) Go to your library and check it out.

So, as I was scrubbing, I thought about how, throughout the first part of the movie, Daniel was directed to do menial tasks when all he wanted was to be taught karate. Instead, he waxed cars, painted fences and finished decks, all the while impatiently wondering why he wasn't learning what he wanted to be learning!

What he didn't know was that Mr. Miyagi was orchestrating it all for his good. He could knew and understood things that Daniel couldn't. All the seemingly meaningless tasks he was assigned were part of his training. Bit by bit, these tasks exercised his muscles and trained his body to do things that would be necessary later on, he just didn't realize it. He didn't know that he was being trained! All of the long, hard days of labor were the best preparation for what he really wanted, but not knowing this, he resisted it. He whined, complained, and threatened to give up.

But then Daniel learned to trust his teacher. Still unaware of the big picture, or how this training thing worked, he submitted himself to the guidance of Mr. Miyagi and continued on under his instruction, even though he didn't understand the benefit. The result was that he came to be better at karate than he ever imagined he could be.

I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. :-) Too many times I find myself resisting what the Lord's trying to accomplish in my life because I don't understand where He's going with it. I think, "But Lord, I really, really want to be over there, doing that Big Thing! Why aren't You letting me? Why do You have me here doing this little, insignificant thing? Surely it's not as important. It's a waste of time!" And then there's the "Lord use me! Do whatever You desire, just not that... I want to do something meaningful! How come You've stuck me here?" And finally, "I give up! This isn't getting me anywhere! I'm not doing anybody any good here!"

But then I'm reminded to trust my Teacher. He sees what I can't. He knows what's ahead and He's preparing me for it. Not only is He using the mundane, everyday, seemingly insignificant things to minister to those around me now, but these things are building into my character, making me more like Him. Exercising my muscles, so to speak. I just have to submit myself to His guidance and follow His instructions even though I don't understand why I'm being asked to do them. I can't see where it's all going, what exactly I'm being prepared for, but I know it's so much better than what I want, so much more than I imagine. It will be worth the wait.

One thing that the Lord keeps reminding me lately is that I have to prove myself faithful in the 'little' things before I can be intrusted with the 'big' things. The journey is every bit as important as the destination. And the One who walks with us is patient, and gentle, and He has our best in mind. He worthy of trust. And He will most assuredly finish the good work He has begun in us.

So, before you know it, you'll be doing the Crane! :-)


  1. Even though I've never seen the movie, I love the way you weaved in the message of submission to God's will and like Joseph in Genesis, in due time he was exalted to a position of prominence in Egypt. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! There are so many examples of God turning difficulty into something amazing. I think He enjoys doing that. :-)
