Monday, January 2, 2012

Broken Hearts

This poor boy's time has run out...he looks so sad and lonely... :-(

When Kyle turns 14, he will no longer be eligible for adoption. I pray the Lord will protect him, make His presence known him and let him know he's not alone.

The treatment of these children breaks my heart. I can't imagine how it must feel to be neglected, unwanted, unloved, belonging to no one, bearing pain and a broken heart all alone...with no one to teach them the Truth. That they ARE loved, they ARE wanted, that they're NEVER alone, they have a Father.

Why don't we do something? What are we waiting for? I wonder how many orphans would be left in the world if every Christian took in just ONE of these lonely children?

Are we not called of the Lord to take care of the orphan? Are we obeying? Are we waiting for just the perfect time...some day...down the road...

Are we listening to His whisper, His command to love the fatherless? Or are we too busy, too comfortable, too focused on what we want, too....whatever?

I think we need to seriously consider and prayerfully pursue what the Lord may be calling us to do, consider that He may be trying to get our attention, grab our hearts, inspire us not to hoard the love He gives us, but give it away to someone who needs it. Someone who needs Him and is just waiting to be shown the way.